I am currently working on fashion boutique which will be based entirely on opencart but i stumbled into a bit strange problem.
I am runing wamp server on my second pc and i access it through ip adress.
I've constructed for myself xhtml + css layout of the webpage and currently I'm converting it step by step to be run by opencart.
Now when I wanted to place flash slideshow into opencart homepage no pictures are showing up.
But the slideshow works in my layout. And i've also noticed that flash object loads.
I'm suspecting it has something to do with paths in xml file but after 5 hours of changing and studying paths in it I simply lost any desire to carry on ... am I missing something? but what?
Ok so first info:
slideshow is well known over the net flash slideshow called slideshow_as2.swf with xml file simple but nice and does the job.
Flash parses information about paths and settings contained in .xml and then starts displaying pictures.
path to the template is:
flash is saved in the same directory and images.xml file is saved there too.
images are stored in
'shop/catalog/template/content/img directory and named bg1.jpg to bg9.jpg.
in the home.tpl i've placed flash object declaration pointing to swf file with path:
'../slideshow.swf' (literaly)
now in the xml file i've placed first obvious path like
'../img/bg1.jpg' (literaly)
then I load the shop and i see black square so i right click on it and i see
that flash object loaded but no pictures
then i do it again but with a full path to the image like:
shop/catalog/template/content/img/bg1.jpg and so on but no luck...
what can be wrong maybe xml file are very specific when it comes to paths or maybe it is some error in action script in slideshow?? personally i don;t now action script so it will be hard for me to look into this avenue any ideas?
I am currently working on fashion boutique which will be based entirely on opencart but i stumbled into a bit strange problem.
I am runing wamp server on my second pc and i access it through ip adress.
I've constructed for myself xhtml + css layout of the webpage and currently I'm converting it step by step to be run by opencart.
Now when I wanted to place flash slideshow into opencart homepage no pictures are showing up.
But the slideshow works in my layout. And i've also noticed that flash object loads.
I'm suspecting it has something to do with paths in xml file but after 5 hours of changing and studying paths in it I simply lost any desire to carry on ... am I missing something? but what?
Ok so first info:
slideshow is well known over the net flash slideshow called slideshow_as2.swf with xml file simple but nice and does the job.
Flash parses information about paths and settings contained in .xml and then starts displaying pictures.
path to the template is:
flash is saved in the same directory and images.xml file is saved there too.
images are stored in
'shop/catalog/template/content/img directory and named bg1.jpg to bg9.jpg.
in the home.tpl i've placed flash object declaration pointing to swf file with path:
'../slideshow.swf' (literaly)
now in the xml file i've placed first obvious path like
'../img/bg1.jpg' (literaly)
then I load the shop and i see black square so i right click on it and i see
that flash object loaded but no pictures
then i do it again but with a full path to the image like:
shop/catalog/template/content/img/bg1.jpg and so on but no luck...
what can be wrong maybe xml file are very specific when it comes to paths or maybe it is some error in action script in slideshow?? personally i don;t now action script so it will be hard for me to look into this avenue any ideas?
I have made a dynamic XML based slideshow for opencart before that automatically displays the latest products and images, contact me via pm if you'd like some help to get it working
Professional Website Services - http://www.davidmgilbert.com/
Active Member
Here is how I embedded my flash slide show for http://shop.glassfusion.com.au :
The SWF file is loacted within the OpenCart directory at 'server/images/glassfusion.swf', that is, directory 'server' is located at the same level as 'catalog' or 'admin', all relative to OpenCart's base directory. I am not using the element because that is not standard compliant.
Code: Select all
<div class="objectheader" title="Advertisement">
<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000"
width="400" height="100">
<param name="movie" value="server/images/glassfusion.swf" />
<param name="quality" value="high" />
<!--[if !IE]>-->
<object data="server/images/glassfusion.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"
width="400" height="100">
<param name="pluginurl" value="http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer" />
<param name="quality" value="high" />
<div class="alternate">
<a href="http://www.adobe.com/go/getflash" target="_new">
<img title="Install Adobe Flash Player" alt="Install Adobe Flash Player" src="server/images/64px-Adobe_Flash_Player_CS3.png" style="float:right; margin:1em 1em 1em 1em;"/>
<p style="margin:2em 1em 1em 1em;">Install Adobe Flash Player to view content.</p>
<!--[if !IE]>-->
Export/Import Tool * SpamBot Buster * Unused Images Manager * Instant Option Price Calculator * Number Option * Google Tag Manager * Survey Plus * OpenTwig
Ok my current embed code for flash object
but i think problem is with xml file that loads images and how i define paths to them code in xml is:
I have this flash slideshow working but placed in normal html file in the root folder of server, but once i put it in the content catalog in home.tpl file its not working anymore...
Code: Select all
<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,0,0" width="600" height="210" id="slideshow" align="middle">
<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" />
<param name="movie" value="../slideshow.swf" />
<param name="quality" value="high" />
<param name="bgcolor" value="#000000" />
<embed src="../slideshow.swf" quality="high" bgcolor="#000000" width="600" height="210" name="slideshow" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" />
Code: Select all
<gallery timer="7" order="sequential" fadetime="3" looping="yes" xpos="0" ypos="0">
<image path="shop/catalog/template/default/content/img/bg2.jpg" />
<image path="shop/catalog/template/default/content/img/bg1.jpg" />
<image path="shop/catalog/template/default/content/img/bg3.jpg" />
<image path="shop/catalog/template/default/content/img/bg4.jpg" />
<image path="shop/catalog/template/default/content/img/bg5.jpg" />
<image path="shop/catalog/template/default/content/img/bg6.jpg" />
<image path="shop/catalog/template/default/content/img/bg7.jpg" />
<image path="shop/catalog/template/default/content/img/bg8.jpg" />
<image path="shop/catalog/template/default/content/img/bg9.jpg" />
first try it with absolute paths. That will at least prove that it works. Then worry about relative paths
Code: Select all
<gallery timer="7" order="sequential" fadetime="3" looping="yes" xpos="0" ypos="0">
<image path="[color=red]http://www.mysite.com/[/color]shop/catalog/template/default/content/img/bg2.jpg" />
<image path="[color=red]http://www.mysite.com/[/color]shop/catalog/template/default/content/img/bg1.jpg" />
<image path="[color=red]http://www.mysite.com/[/color]shop/catalog/template/default/content/img/bg3.jpg" />
<image path="[color=red]http://www.mysite.com/[/color]shop/catalog/template/default/content/img/bg4.jpg" />
<image path="[color=red]http://www.mysite.com/[/color]shop/catalog/template/default/content/img/bg5.jpg" />
<image path="[color=red]http://www.mysite.com/[/color]shop/catalog/template/default/content/img/bg6.jpg" />
<image path="[color=red]http://www.mysite.com/[/color]shop/catalog/template/default/content/img/bg7.jpg" />
<image path="[color=red]http://www.mysite.com/[/color]shop/catalog/template/default/content/img/bg8.jpg" />
<image path="[color=red]http://www.mysite.com/[/color]shop/catalog/template/default/content/img/bg9.jpg" />
ok i've tried absolute paths like ... nt/bg2.jpg
but no luck.....
ok maybe action script will give us some answers: ... nt/bg2.jpg
but no luck.....
ok maybe action script will give us some answers:
Code: Select all
/* Crossfading slide show */
/* Author: Todd Dominey */
/* http://whatdoiknow.org */
/* http://domineydesign.com */
// set random # variables - each must be 0 for first 'while' loop below
var randomNum = 0;
var randomNumLast = 0;
// parent container
var container_mc = this.createEmptyMovieClip("container",0);
// movie clip containers
// preload watcher
// load xml
images_xml = new XML();
images_xml.onLoad = parse;
function parse(success) {
if (success) {
imageArray = new Array();
var root = this.firstChild;
_global.numPause = Number(this.firstChild.attributes.timer * 1000);
_global.order = this.firstChild.attributes.order;
_global.looping = this.firstChild.attributes.looping;
_global.fadetime = Number(this.firstChild.attributes.fadetime);
_global.xpos = Number(this.firstChild.attributes.xpos);
_global.ypos = Number(this.firstChild.attributes.ypos);
var imageNode = root.lastChild;
var s=0;
while (imageNode.nodeName != null) {
imageData = new Object;
imageData.path = imageNode.attributes.path;
imageNode = imageNode.previousSibling;
// place parent container
container_mc._x = _global.xpos;
container_mc._y = _global.ypos;
// parse array
} else {
// depth swapping
function swapPlace(clip,num) {
function loadImages(data,num) {
if (i==undefined || i == 2) {
} else if (i==1) {
function createLoader(i,data,num) {
watcher_mc.onEnterFrame=function () {
var picLoaded = thisLoader.getBytesLoaded();
var picBytes = thisLoader.getBytesTotal();
if (isNaN(picBytes) || picBytes < 4) {
if (picLoaded / picBytes >= 1) {
alphaTween = new mx.transitions.Tween(thisLoader, "_alpha", mx.transitions.easing.Regular.easeOut,0,100,_global.fadetime,true);
timerInterval = setInterval(imageGen,_global.numPause,data);
delete this.onEnterFrame;
function imageGen(data) {
// random, or sequential?
if (_global.order=="random") {
// choose random # between 0 and total number of images
while (randomNum == randomNumLast) {
randomNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * data.length);
randomNumLast = randomNum;
} else if (_global.order=="sequential") {
// start at 0, increment to total number of images, then drop back to zero when done
if (p==undefined || p==data.length && _global.looping=="yes") { p=0; } else { break; }
} else {
trace ("order attribute in xml isn't correct - must specify either 'random' or 'sequential'");
Code: Select all
<param name="movie" value="../slideshow.swf" />
Export/Import Tool * SpamBot Buster * Unused Images Manager * Instant Option Price Calculator * Number Option * Google Tag Manager * Survey Plus * OpenTwig
it is located in: ... deshow.swf
and ../is a relative path to it doesen't matter if I provide full path or relative one slideshow will load regardless the problem is it doesen't know where to load images from ... ... deshow.swf
and ../is a relative path to it doesen't matter if I provide full path or relative one slideshow will load regardless the problem is it doesen't know where to load images from ...
Maybe its a file path not a url path?Giraffe wrote: ok i've tried absolute paths like ... nt/bg2.jpg
but no luck.....
C:/xampp/htdocs/shop/catalog/template/default/content/bg2.jpg ?
hmmm... so why it works in my html template? then slideshow and xml file are placed in a root folder and xml says:
Code: Select all
<gallery timer="7" order="sequential" fadetime="3" looping="yes" xpos="0" ypos="0">
<image path="img/slideshow/bg2.jpg" />
<image path="img/slideshow/bg1.jpg" />
<image path="img/slideshow/bg3.jpg" />
<image path="img/slideshow/bg4.jpg" />
<image path="img/slideshow/bg5.jpg" />
<image path="img/slideshow/bg6.jpg" />
<image path="img/slideshow/bg7.jpg" />
<image path="img/slideshow/bg8.jpg" />
<image path="img/slideshow/bg9.jpg" />
I think it's all relative to either your OpenCart directory, or to your domain's root directory.
Export/Import Tool * SpamBot Buster * Unused Images Manager * Instant Option Price Calculator * Number Option * Google Tag Manager * Survey Plus * OpenTwig
well i've ended up creating slideshow with picures imported inside without xml file
here is a link to a nice tutorial how to do it:
Case closed
here is a link to a nice tutorial how to do it:
Case closed
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