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Re: Customizing headers for the twig views that use them in OC 3

Posted: Thu May 09, 2024 1:02 am
by straightlight
Lumirion wrote:
Thu May 09, 2024 12:17 am
Ok. Just as a test I switched the route back to the product page and replaced my str_replace with

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and added that css file with my styles in it. The result is the same error about preg_replace being passed a NULL as the third value in line 65 of action.php. My css is not inserted into the product page either. Line 65 of action.php

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 $class = 'Controller' . preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/', '', $this->route); 
seems to be assembling the route to my insertproductpagestyles.php at admin/controller/extension/module/. $this->route seems to be returning null, so my controller is not referenced and my event handler is not called. Is there something wrong with either of these two addEvent lines?

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 $this->model_setting_event->addEvent('insertproductpagestyles', 'catalog/view/common/header/after', 'extension/module/insertproductpagestyles/addproductpagestyles'); 

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 $this->model_setting_event->addEvent('insertproductpagestyles', 'catalog/view/product/product/after', 'extension/module/insertproductpagestyles/addproductpagestyles'); 
Is it trying to look for my controller in catalog/controller/extension/module/ instead of in admin/controller/extension/module/ ?

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$class = 'Controller' . preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/', '', $this->route); 

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$class = 'Controller' . preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/', '', (string)$this->route); 
As for the rest of the Event controller of your extension, you haven't posted the changes.

Re: Customizing headers for the twig views that use them in OC 3

Posted: Thu May 09, 2024 5:56 am
by Lumirion
It is working. Thanks for all the help Straightlight. Here is a link to the zip. ... p=sharing
Once I added a copy of the controller to the same location under the catalog path and switched back to editing the header str_replace worked. I’ll tinker with the addStyle command later but for now this is solved.

Re: Customizing headers for the twig views that use them in OC 3

Posted: Thu May 09, 2024 6:48 am
by straightlight
Lumirion wrote:
Thu May 09, 2024 5:56 am
It is working. Thanks for all the help Straightlight. Here is a link to the zip. ... p=sharing
Once I added a copy of the controller to the same location under the catalog path and switched back to editing the header str_replace worked. I’ll tinker with the addStyle command later but for now this is solved.
Now that the issue has been resolved, please add: [SOLVED] at the beginning of the subject line on your first post.

Edit: And now you did. :)