Storage folder issues
Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2022 4:42 pm
Good morning
New to Opencart having moved over from Xcart.
I've trawled through the forum but dont feel I have a good answer yet to the issue of moving the storage folder. Simply I cant move it to where I think it's telling me to put it. I'm on a shared server with ionos.
The site appeared to work fine with the storage folder exactly where it has been all along. then having tried to 'Move' button it's all fallen over again. Looks like I'm into yet another re-install. This will be the last time, I've wasted nearly 4 days on this.
New to Opencart having moved over from Xcart.
I've trawled through the forum but dont feel I have a good answer yet to the issue of moving the storage folder. Simply I cant move it to where I think it's telling me to put it. I'm on a shared server with ionos.
The site appeared to work fine with the storage folder exactly where it has been all along. then having tried to 'Move' button it's all fallen over again. Looks like I'm into yet another re-install. This will be the last time, I've wasted nearly 4 days on this.