Cool: Mystifier provided this awesome free extension back in September that allowed the admin to send e-mail by customer group. ... order=DESC
Not Cool: A developer provided an extension that has the exact same functionality on November 15th, and decided to charge $12 for it. ... 832&page=2
Cool: There are numerous extensions which embed an AddThis ShareBar into OpenCart here or there. ... order=DESC
Not Cool (but they at least rectified the situation after being confronted about it): Recently a developer posted an AddThis ShareBar extension that was $10 or $16 I believe, however after I and another forum member questioned the developer as to why they were charging for something that had already been provided for free, they changed the price to free. ... ion_id=839
These are just a few example of what I'm talking about. The problem is that the developers who are charging for these apparently copied add ons don't really explain how their add ons are different than the free version. Perhaps they have included some magically hidden feature or given it some really great new functionality that is not included in the free version. But if that's the case, then demos need to be provided and people need to be told exactly why they should spend their hard earned money on the paid extension vs. the free one. Unfortunatley that usually doesn't happen.Cool: The Simple HTML module is one of the most popular free modules around, and the developer has given instructions on how to clone this module so that basically you can have as many duplicate modules as you like. They have also gone ahead and done the work for you for 3 of these modules, so all you have to do is download them and bam, you've got 3 HTML modules. ... order=DESC
Not Cool: A developer added a module that from what I can tell does the exact same thing as the Simple HTML module, yet has charged $16 for it. ... 808&page=4
I can hear some people now saying "Well if someone is foolish enough to buy an extension without searching the extensions area first for a free alternative then they deserve it". Sorry, in my book that doesn't fly. It takes two to tango, and sometimes the names of the free vs. paid extensions are different so it's kinda hard to see which ones are identical and which ones are not.
On top of all that, there are now people who are not even posting add ons in the extension area, but posting advertisements! ... 814&page=4
My point in all this is that Mystifier is right in a sense when he posted his concern. He says that OpenCart gets critiqued for every little add on being commercial. Don't get me wrong, I'm NOT saying that developers shouldn't charge for their work. They have every right to charge for their work as long as it is THEIR work. And I'm NOT saying that there are no decent free add ons to Open Cart. On the contrary, there are quite a few free add ons that are simply wonderful. I have obtained both free and commercial add ons and they have made my shopping cart that much better off.
What I'm saying is that the extension area is starting to get out of hand and is in serious need of cleaning up, otherwise people are going to get turned off by it when they see advertisements (spam), plagiarized add ons, etc. etc.