Post by Burt65 » Thu Jan 23, 2020 6:42 am

Opencart Marketplace

The Marketplace is without a doubt, the strongest assets we have, as it really does allow the everyday user to customise their OC to their heart's content. Beside the fact that most extension are still extremely affordable, you can also take advantage of the large range of free extensions..
To access & use the Marketplace for the first time, you'll need to registered with the Opencart Company, (not to be confuse with the Opencart forum registration).

Once your registration is activate, you should be immediately able to purchase the extension you need or download the free ones... It may sometimes happen, that you are asked to provide extra form of ID before your download is enabled. This request is there to protect the developers from customers that have been flagged or have been reported as fraudulent.. The proof of ID can be triggered by several factors, such as your country of origin (IP based) or simply by your other personal details like name, surname or email. Please don't take this too personal, as sometimes it stops even the honest people from completing their purchase. In most cases, within 24 hours or less, a member of the OC Team will correct the problem..

The only thing to do in this case is to contact the team and let them know of your concern.

Leaving posts on the forum abusing people because you are not allowed to download an extension you just paid for, does absolutely nothing, as the forum has nothing to do with the Marketplace. While you are absolutely entitle too, it obviously doesn't help asking for a refund or opening a Paypal dispute either. If anything, that normally does add another 48 hours to the original problem. At the current moment, there is no way around this issue but it could improve in a near future.

Developers that operate in the Marketplace do come from all over the world. Some do speak English fluently while other may have a bit of trouble in communicating with customers. But this doesn't make them or their extensions any less valuable than the others.. At the same token buyers are also from all over the world, and sometimes hard to understand... Patience and willingness to understand each other, are the keys here...

Some people call them Extension while other prefer call them Modification. If you are using older version of Opencart, you will also quickly learn other terms like VQmod and OCmod. It may seem all confusing in the beginning, but as you get involved and learn the ropes, you will quickly realise how actually simple the system really is.

In a nutshell, you purchase an extension/mod from the market and based on your requirements/OC version you can pick (if both version are available) which one to use Vqmod or OCmod. Ocmod was developed to be part of the OC software. They both do offer advantages and if carefully planned, they can both coexist in a single OC installation. If in doubt, just use the OCmod as it tend to be a bit easier for novice users..

Due to the nature of the way OC is written, there is really no way to tell if the new extension you just purchased will work out of the box. It should and 99% of the times it will, but that 1% is there and it is real and it will sometime play little games with you.. Most developer will have no problem into getting the new extension to work on your server, but you could come across some incompatibly problem between two or more extension, especially when your system start to become heavily modified... In that case it pays to do some search and ask lots of question before moving forward. In saying this, it is not that common that an extension cannot be fixed to make it work with other. In those cases, the best approach is to ask either developer for help, but understand that it doesn't always come for free as the developer obligation is only towards a clean install not an already modified version of OC!

Lately, the Marketplace has just gone under a complete new facelift (same as this forum), but not all bugs have been ironed out. If you think you have found something that doesn't seem right or just simply not working, please just reported HERE and it may also pay to reported it in the Marketplace Support by opening a ticket

In the Marketplace you also have comments & Ratings related to the extension. It always paid to spend a bit of time before parting with your money, to read the comment and also to check when last the developer did work on the extension or did reply to the comments.. While Opencart does host the extensions, that doesn't mean that Opencart is also responsible for the developer behaviour. Here the "Buyer Beware" is not optional!
If in doubt, just ask even in the forum, where you could also see or come across some of the developer suggestions/replies to other members... That in itself, could be an indication of how the developer do operate, but not all developer have understandably time for the forum... Some developer also contribute to the community with excellent Tutorials available in the blog and in the forum.

If you have either downloaded a free extension or purchased one and are encountering issues with it, please follow this list:

  1. Contact the developer either by using a provided email, developer ticketing system or a clickable link within the extension in the Admin
  2. If not successful with 1, and you have purchased the extension, open a ticket with the Marketplace Support and let them handle it for you (Mon to Fri)
  3. If 1 and 2 are not successful (like on a Weekend or public Holiday), you can always try the forum
It goes without saying that the Marketplace Support does try to help (if need it) as much as possible in the interaction between buyer and seller of extension and that sometimes if things are just not feasible, not going to happen or simply a bad extension, a refund is always a possibility.

Searching capabilities for extensions has improved a lot in the past 12 months but if you still can't find what you are looking for, you can always ask here on the forum where we have excellent members very good at finding things around the Marketplace. If such extension is either not longer available or simply doesn't exist, you can always jump into the Commercial Support Area and ask a developer to assist. If the language is a barrier, you could also use your international forum and ask there for help, so that someone may be able to point you in the right direction...

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