Post by Johnathan » Thu Jun 16, 2016 4:35 am


Current Version: v2024-11-20 (release notes)

OpenCart Versions: 1.5.2.x - 4.0.2.x

To Purchase: Visit Clear Thinking or

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Create coupon codes based on any criteria that you want more! This extension uses an intuitive "rules" system to easily set up your coupon codes and determine when they are valid. Restrict coupons based on cart values, order values, products, categories, and many other criteria.

  • Upload and go — utilizes ocMod so no core file modifications are necessary.
  • Enjoy peace of mind: all settings are automatically saved to the database when changed, and are backed up to a backup file every time the admin panel is loaded. Settings can also be manually backed up, and then downloaded to restore from later, or to edit in a spreadsheet application.
  • Take advantage of the built-in extension updater. All that's required is to enter your current license key and click "Update".
  • Create coupons quickly and easily using the intuitive rules system. Available rule types include:
    - Coupon Settings: set uses per coupon and uses per customer
    - Adjustments: charge adjustment such as min/max/round, flat/percent adjustment to charges or cart/item criteria, cumulative bracket charges, tax classes, and more
    - Cart/Item Criteria: length, width, height, L+W+H, price, quantity, stock, total, volume, weight
    - Date/Time Criteria: day of the week, date, time
    - Discount Criteria: gift voucher, reward points
    - Location Criteria: address, city, country, distance, geo zone, location comparison, postcode, zone
    - Order Criteria: currency, custom field, customer, customer group, language, past orders, payment method, shipping cost, shipping method, shipping rate, store
    - Product Criteria: attribute, attribute group, category, manufacturer, option, product, user-created product group, or build your own group
  • Build rule sets to apply multiple rules to a single coupon at once. Re-use the same rule set for different coupons to quickly create the coupons you need.
  • Group products, categories, manufacturers, options, and attributes together however you want to create Product Groups. These groups can then be used to determine when coupons are valid.
  • Use the included Testing Mode to determine why coupons are not working on the front-end, helping to debug complex rule interactions.
  • View reports of a coupon's usage history.
  • A "Coupon Code" box will automatically be added to the address steps of the default OpenCart checkout, so customers do not need to visit the Shopping Cart page to enter a coupon code.

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Fri Dec 18, 2009 3:08 am

Post by Johnathan » Sat Oct 22, 2016 1:47 am

Updated to v230.1

Release Notes:

- NOTE: This version is fully compatible with OpenCart 2.3.0.x by using the OpenCart 2.3 Extension Compatibility Fix, which is provided for free with the purchase of the extension

- Added: "Manufacturer, "Order Status", and "Product" comparison for Past Orders rules
- Added: ability for Product Groups to include all sub-categories of category members without adding each one individually

- Fixed: 0.00 charges were incorrectly appearing
- Fixed: "Address is not" rules were not working properly
- Fixed: Distance and Postcode rules had erroneous Testing Mode messages when using an "is not" comparison
- Fixed: issues with Gift Voucher rules on 2.2 and 2.3

- Updated: compatibility with some mods that modify the coupon system
- Updated: the extension can now be used at the same time as regular coupons
- Updated: two-character postcodes should now work for Canada
- Updated: Testing Mode messages now show enabled charges, as well
- Updated: Product Group rules using "not", "only any", or "only all" comparisons with category members should no longer be affected by cross-categorized products

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Fri Dec 18, 2009 3:08 am

Post by Johnathan » Wed Mar 22, 2017 2:17 am

Updated to v230.2

Release Notes:

- NOTE: coupon codes are now case-insensitive when being redeemed

- Added: caching for retrieving extension settings
- Added: ability to automatically delete coupons once they have been used as many times as the "Uses Per Coupon" value

- Fixed: Product Criteria rules were not always evaluating correctly if the cart had no products, but had a gift voucher in it
- Fixed: Product Groups using "not" comparisons with category members needed a small change to work correctly with cross-categorized products
- Fixed: coupon text issues on 2.3 for the checkout coupon box
- Fixed: issues when "Shipping Rate is" rules were combined with "Shipping Rate is not" rules, or multiple "is not" rules were used together

- Updated: "Total Value = Cheapest Product Total" rule can now be used in conjunction with other Total Value rules
- Updated: normal OpenCart coupons can now be used in the checkout coupon box

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Fri Dec 18, 2009 3:08 am

Post by Johnathan » Fri Jun 30, 2017 5:32 am

Updated to v300.1

Due to limitations in the license system, a new extension was released on for OpenCart 3.0 compatibility. However, free updates are still available for anyone that has purchased the extension in July 2016 or after --- just contact Clear Thinking here:

Release Notes:
- NOTE: The extension now uses ocMod instead of vQmod, as required by the OpenCart cloud. If upgrading from a previous version, make sure to delete the old vQmod file, and then click "Refresh" in Extensions > Modifications.

- NOTE: If using "Total Value = Shipping Cost" rules, you'll need to replace those with the new "Shipping Cost" rule. You can contact me if you have any questions about how to do that.

- Added: compatibility with OpenCart 3.0.0.x
- Added: native compatibility with OpenCart 2.3.0.x (You can remove the compatibility fix, or keep using it if you want to)
- Added: "Shipping Cost" as a type of bracket charge
- Added: dedicated "Shipping Cost" rule in the Order Criteria section

- Fixed: "Price" type charges were not charging their cost per product
- Fixed: install() function wasn't getting run in OpenCart 2.3
- Fixed: auto-deleting coupons wasn't working in some circumstances

- Removed: compatibility with OpenCart 1.5.x and for new versions
- Removed: "Total Value = Shipping Cost" rule option

- Updated: mod file is now ocMod only, as required by OpenCart 3.0
- Updated: [total] shortcodes are now always rounded to 2 decimal places
- Updated: "Uses Per Coupon" and "Uses Per Customer" fields are now ignored when using the admin order editor
- Updated: improved caching for extension settings
- Updated: backup files no longer have an EXTENSION column, so you'll need to remove that from old backup files if you plan on restoring from them

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Fri Dec 18, 2009 3:08 am

Post by Johnathan » Sat Oct 21, 2017 1:54 am

Updated to v302.1

Release Notes:

- Added: coupon codes now support Regular Expressions! This means that if your current coupon codes contain any of the Regex special characters, you will need to remove them from your coupons. The Regex special characters are . \ + * ? ^ $ [ ] ( ) { } = ! < > | : -
- Added: ability to charge tax based on the highest product tax rate
- Added: "Buy X For $Y" charge type, which lets you charge a certain amount when customers purchase a certain number of products
- Added: "Buy X Get Y Z% Off" bracket type, which lets you give a percentage off certain items if the customer purchases a qualifying number of items

- Confirmed: compatibility with OpenCart 3.0.2.x

- Fixed: "Total Value = Non-Discounted Sub-Total" rules for Discounts
- Fixed: coupons with no limit were still being deleted when the Delete Used setting was enabled
- Fixed: the added coupon box wasn't working on OpenCart 3.0

- Removed: "Total Value = Cheapest Product Total" rule

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Fri Dec 18, 2009 3:08 am

Post by Johnathan » Thu Jan 04, 2018 6:08 am

Updated to v302.2

Release Notes:

- Added: ability to turn the payment method coupon box on/off
- Added: new option for "Total Value" rules to use product base prices, ignoring any option prices

- Fixed: "[] operator not supported for strings" error when using PHP 7.1+
- Fixed: issue with the ocMod file on OpenCart 2.0 and 2.1
- Fixed: issues with total-based coupons on OpenCart 2.0 and 2.1

- Updated: Cart/Item Criteria rules involving weight now use the product base weight instead of the total weight
- Updated: the admin coupon report will now show the coupon code from Ultimate Coupons instead of showing a blank code and name

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Fri Dec 18, 2009 3:08 am

Post by Johnathan » Sat May 26, 2018 5:16 am

Updated to v302.3

Release Notes:

- Added: new "Product Count" charge type, to get the number of products in the cart, ignoring the quantity of any of those products

- Fixed: deleting things when using auto-saving wasn't working in OpenCart 3.0
- Fixed: issue with "Total Value = Total" rules on some OpenCart 3 stores
- Fixed: issue with "Total Value = Total" rules when also using the Intermediate Order Total extension
- Fixed: removing members of Product Groups still deleted them even with auto-saving turned off
- Fixed: "not" and "none of the" comparisons didn't work with empty carts

- Removed: some code that caused infinite loops with certain other extensions

- Updated: "Buy X Get Y Z% Off" type discounts now use smart calculations, so that it's not just the Y cheapest items that get discounted, but the appropriate items based on the number in the cart
- Updated: coupons that have tax applied to them will now ignore products that have no tax class set
- Updated: added some code for compatibility with Auto-Add Products to Cart

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Fri Dec 18, 2009 3:08 am

Post by Johnathan » Thu Oct 25, 2018 4:38 am

Updated to v302.4

Release Notes:

- Added: customer name, customer_id, IP address, and billing/shipping addresses are now recorded to the Testing Mode log for each test
- Added: ability to set a Google Maps API Key for distance rules (make sure to save the new setting if you're using distance calculations)
- Added: ability to base coupons on whether a gift voucher is in the cart
- Added: ability to choose whether the coupon box is displayed on the cart page (only if the "Coupon" Order Total is disabled)
- Added: ability to unset the shipping on the order when a coupon is applied

- Fixed: "Cannot pass parameter 1 by reference" error
- Fixed: tax calculations could be off if using "Total Value = Total" rules
- Fixed: "Undefined index: heading_title" error when a payment or shipping method does not have a title in its language file like it's supposed to

- Updated: calls to Google Maps API now use curl
- Updated: distance calculations now occur after all other rules have been evaluated, to avoid unnecessary API calls to Google Maps
- Updated: the checkout coupon box is now at the bottom of the billing address and shipping address steps, to prevent rare errors related to interactions between coupons and shipping rates

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Fri Dec 18, 2009 3:08 am

Post by Johnathan » Sat Dec 07, 2019 3:11 am

Updated to v303.1

Release Notes:

- NOTE: The 1.5.x version is now feature-comparable with the 2.x/3.x version. The extension uses a vQmod file to accomplish this, which has been tested but might have some issues in the initial version. If you're using OpenCart 1.5.x and have any trouble with it, please contact Clear Thinking.

- NOTE: The "Customer" rule has been replaced by the "Customer Data" rule in this version. This rule is more flexible since it can compare against many different customer fields, but it does not include an auto-complete field any more. To replace your old "Customer" rules, you'll need to add a new rule like "Customer Data: email = (the customer's email)", and manually enter the customer's e-mail address instead. Your current "Customer" rules will not be converted automatically. You can recreate your setup using the new rules, or contact Clear Thinking if you need assistance.

- Added: full compatibility with OpenCart 1.5.x again
- Added: ability to use { and } for Flat Charge calculations
- Added: "Ignore Specials" rule to ignore all products with a Special or Discount price for the charge
- Added: "Recurring Profile" rule to limit a coupon to products in the cart that have a particular recurring profile applied (or not applied) to them

- Confirmed: compatibility with OpenCart 3.0.3.x

- Fixed: for total comparisons in different currencies, the main store's default currency wasn't being utilized correctly
- Fixed: "City" rules weren't trimming the city name the customer entered
- Fixed: the Google API key wasn't being trimmed in the API request to Google
- Fixed: "Custom Field" rules weren't checking for a blank value correctly
- Fixed: "Indirect modification of overloaded property: $row" error
- Fixed: using :: to separate ranges for Postcode type charges wasn't working
- Fixed: "Buy X Get Y Z% Off" wasn't working with "Sub-Total Ignoring Options"
- Fixed: coupon report URLs had the wrong admin user token
- Fixed: URLs in the coupon report were missing the admin user token

- Updated: Testing Mode now has a button to download the log when over 1 MB
- Updated: Testing Mode log is now cleared automatically when over 50 MB
- Updated: instructions.txt file with directions on how to fix an ocMod bug in OpenCart 2.0 versions
- Updated: "Customer" rule has been replaced by "Customer Data" rule
- Updated: 0.00 coupons should now give an error when used
- Updated: the extension should now work with mods that allow customers to use multiple coupon codes
- Updated: the "Uses Per Customer" field now works with guests, by checking for previous orders under the same e-mail address
- Updated: "Shipping Method" and "Payment Method" rules are now only checked at the final step of checkout, so they can still work in the normal OpenCart default checkout

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Fri Dec 18, 2009 3:08 am

Post by Johnathan » Sat Sep 19, 2020 1:28 am

Updated to v303.2

Release Notes:

- Added: "L + W + H" rule, to calculate the sum of all dimensions of a product
- Added: "Price" rule, to compare individual product prices (ignoring the quantity of the item in the cart)
- Added: ability to negate "Customer Data" and "Option" rules by adding the ! character to the beginning of the entered value
- Added: "Filters" rule, and Filters be added to "Product Group" rules now
- Added: ability to set the message displayed when coupons are cleared by submitting a blank coupon code
- Added: option to use allow for multiple coupons (for Ultimate Coupons only)

- Fixed: "Postcode" rules didn't work if the value was blank
- Fixed: Flat Charges with { and } weren't working correctly
- Fixed: coupon report URL was using the old "token" parameter on OpenCart 3.0
- Fixed: coupon report wouldn't find regex coupon codes
- Fixed: taxes weren't always calculated correctly for coupons that were applied to a group of products and had an ineligible product in the cart
- Fixed: "Customer Data" rules weren't working properly
- Fixed: "Reward Points applied to cart" rules weren't checking for 0 points
- Fixed: "Past Orders: Days" rules had an issue with ranges that started at 0
- Fixed: "Address" rules didn't work if the value was blank
- Fixed: "Undefined variable: highest_tax_class" error

- Updated: improved the Google Maps error messages to be more verbose
- Updated: Product Criteria rules now have a more clear Testing Mode message
- Updated: products that do not qualify for "Product Group" rules will now be taken out of the calculated total when there is a "Total Value = Total" rule
- Updated: "Custom Field" rules now support ranges
- Updated: coupons are now reapplied properly when using the order editor

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Fri Dec 18, 2009 3:08 am

Post by Johnathan » Wed Sep 22, 2021 2:02 am

Updated to v303.3

Release Notes:

- NOTE: The "Setting Override" rule for "config_address" has been replaced with a dedicated "Origin" rule, used to set the origin address for distance calculations. You will need to update your configuration to use this new rule after updating. To avoid losing the addresses you've input, make sure you use the Backup Settings button before updating. If you want help converting your rules over, please contact Clear Thinking.

- Added: "Origin" rule to replace the "Setting Override: config_address" rule
- Added: ability to set a time within a "Date" rule, to have the cutoff point be on a specific date + time (e.g. 2021-02-26 15:00)
- Added: "Quantity of Product" rule, to require a certain quantity of a specific product in the cart, without affecting other calculations
- Added: "Quantity of Group" rule, to require a certain quantity of a specific product group, without affecting other calculations
- Added: "Category" comparison for "Past Orders" rules
- Added: "Date" comparison for "Past Orders" rules

- Fixed: "Stock" rules were not factoring in option stock levels
- Fixed: rules with "of every item" comparisons were not ignoring products deemed ineligible by "Product Group" rules
- Fixed: "Product Group" rules using "not" or "none of the" comparisons could count non-qualifying products if other "Product Group" rules were present
- Fixed: products with recurring profiles were ignored if multiples of the same product (but with different profiles) were in the cart
- Fixed: calculation issues when using "Total Value = Total" rules
- Fixed: bug introduced in the last version related to the new "Filter" rules, for OpenCart versions older than 1.5.5
- Fixed: issues when using 0 for "Past Orders: Days" rules
- Fixed: issues with "Ignore Specials" rules for products with Discounts
- Fixed: issues with "Custom Field" rules when the value was left blank
- Fixed: "Undefined variable: code" error when the extension is disabled
- Fixed: other mods could record the coupon into the coupon history twice
- Fixed: issues with some OpenCart 1.5.x installations

- Updated: Cart/Item Criteria rules involving length, width, or height now use the product base value instead of the total value based on quantity
- Updated: "Option" rules no longer support multiple comma-delimited values, so that option values with commas in them work properly
- Updated: account-based "Custom Field" values now work for guest customers
- Updated: "Buy X For $Y" discounts will now use the most expensive qualifying items to calculate the discount, instead of the least expensive
- Updated: multiple coupon compatibility with Journal 3

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Fri Dec 18, 2009 3:08 am

Post by Johnathan » Tue Mar 07, 2023 11:57 pm

Updated to v2023-3-07

Release Notes:

- NOTE: Starting with this release, version numbers will now be based on the date the new version is released.

- NOTE: This version changes "Rule Sets" to allow you to require ALL rules from the set or ANY rule from the set. If you use Rule Sets at all, make sure you click "Save" after updating to save the new version of the setting.

- Added: compatibility with OpenCart 4.0.0.x - 4.0.1.x
- Added: improvements to the Testing Mode log
- Added: customer e-mail address to the coupon report
- Added: ability to search for products in the auto-complete field by Model
- Added: "Proportional Taxes" tax class setting
- Added: new "Sub-Total of Only Options" choice for "Total Value" rules, which will look only at qualifying options for total-based comparisons
- Added: very simple support for adding a coupon via URL
- Added: ability to remove individual coupons from the cart when "Allow Multiple Coupons" is enabled
- Added: ability to let affiliate tracking codes be set via the coupon box
- Added: "is" and "is not" comparisons for "Date" rules
- Added: "Only Specials" rule to apply coupons to only products in the cart with Special or Discount prices

- Fixed: copying rows when using auto-saving would not copy every setting
- Fixed: bug with the change to Cart/Item Criteria rules involving dimensions
- Fixed: coupons that applied a normal discount and a shipping discount would not work until shipping was applied
- Fixed: "empty needle" error when leaving "Shipping Rate" rules blank
- Fixed: hyphenated values could evaluate incorrectly in "Customer Data" rules
- Fixed: lowercase/uppercase bugs with certain "Customer Data" rules
- Fixed: "Undefined index" and "array_intersect" errors related to the "Ignore Specials" rule

- Updated: better compatibility with other extensions that use coupon data, like the Square payment extension
- Updated: coupon codes in non-English languages are no longer case-sensitive
- Updated: better guest detection for certain OpenCart versions
- Updated: reloading the page will now automatically select the same tab
- Updated: switched the Distance Settings and Coupon Settings sections
- Updated: coupons are now limited to the cart total value if they exceed that value
- Updated: using "Buy X Get Y Z% Off" with multiple tax classes will now calculate the correct discount including the tax discount

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Fri Dec 18, 2009 3:08 am

Post by Johnathan » Tue May 02, 2023 6:20 am

Updated to v2023-5-01

Release Notes:

- Added: compatibility with OpenCart 4.0.2.x
- Added: new "Check For Updates" button with one-click update functionality

- Fixed: "Automatic conversion of false to array" error in PHP 8.1
- Fixed: number format issue when using { and } calculations

- Updated: percentage charges when using a "Gift Voucher being purchased" rule is applied will use the gift voucher amount for total calculations

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Fri Dec 18, 2009 3:08 am

Post by Johnathan » Tue Dec 05, 2023 7:09 am

Updated to v2023-12-04

Release Notes:

- Added: ability to enable/disable the settings being cached on the front-end
- Added: "Product Count" comparison for "Past Orders" rules

- Fixed: billing address detection was not always correct in OpenCart 4.0.2.x
- Fixed: "Undefined index: Choose rule type" error when saving a blank rule
- Fixed: issues caused on the front-end related to the extension caching its settings when OpenCart was set to use a non-file caching system
- Fixed: issues with "Total Value = Total" rules from last version
- Fixed: occasional errors after removing coupons using the red X button

- Updated: 4.0 Event hooks are now deleted when uninstalling the extension
- Updated: the Testing Mode log size check now happens on the front-end rather the admin panel, to more reliably stop log files from growing over 50 MB
- Updated: only the first 5 digits of the zip code is now considered when evaluating "Postcode" rules when the country code is US

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Fri Dec 18, 2009 3:08 am

Post by Johnathan » Thu Nov 21, 2024 4:05 am

Updated to v2024-11-20

Release Notes:

- Added: link for Ultimate Coupons to the admin left-hand menu
- Added: column in the coupon report for the coupon code, to help with filtering regex coupons

- Fixed: occasional issue when vouchers are in the cart
- Fixed: error message when curl connection to Google Maps fails
- Fixed: distance calculations failing due to a Google Map API encoding change
- Fixed: calculation bug when dimension rules were used with "of entire cart"
- Fixed: warnings when a registered customer does not have an address saved
- Fixed: bug related to using ! negation in "Customer Data" rules
- Fixed: "Uses Per Customer" was not working for guests when using Journal
- Fixed: hard-coded text strings in the coupon report
- Fixed: issue when checkout doesn't set shipping methods correctly in OpenCart 4.0.0.x and 4.0.1.x versions
- Fixed: Journal 3 checkout compatibility issue when using multiple coupons
- Fixed: MarketInSG checkout compatibility issue when using multiple coupons

- Updated: saved rules are now sorted by type
- Updated: improved compatibility with the OpenCart 4.0 order editor for customer-based rules

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Fri Dec 18, 2009 3:08 am

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