Issue: All controllers show up at Admin > Extensions > Others
Folder structures attempted...
- extension
- name
- admin
- controller
- other
- primary.php
- ancillary_one.php
- ancillary_two.php
- other
- controller
- admin
- name
- extension
- name
- admin
- controller
- other
- primary.php
- folder
- ancillary_one.php
- ancillary_two.php
- other
- controller
- admin
- name
Question: Is there a way for a single OC4 extension to...
- have multiple controllers
- show only "primary" in extension list
Hoping I do not have to place all routable methods in a single heavy-as-hell controller?
- extension
- name
- admin
- controller
- other
- primary.php (difficult to maintain)
- other
- controller
- admin
- name