Post by Cue4cheap » Wed Sep 18, 2024 10:18 pm


I have a good set-up going with condor's version of OC and PHP version 8.2. I am using zero-green template which is basically a css template.

On the product page when using google pagespeed insight desktop score is 97 or 98. Mobile is 75ish. LCP on mobile is in the > 3.5 range.
I started down the path of trying different images to see how to best optimize them. I didn't get much improvement at all.
After going around in circles I ran a test without any product images and the same basic results. That led me to images are not where I need to focus since if it is images slowing things down there would be a faster LCP (and mobile score) without a product image.

This is one area I am not knowledgeable and I could guess but prefer to have others who have thought this through and might know what is the cause of the difference between the desktop and the mobile pagespeed. Does Google imitate a slower processor to mimic a mobile device?
What is the difference, and why is it such a big score difference, even without any product images between mobile and desktop?

Any thoughts / knowledge / opinion is welcome!

cue4cheap not cheap quality

Expert Member


Fri Sep 20, 2013 4:45 am

Post by ADD Creative » Fri Sep 20, 2024 4:10 pm

For mobile it simulates and slower device and connection. ... -page-load

Guru Member


Sat Jan 14, 2012 1:02 am
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