After saving data It show two block windows insted one + warnings:

Code: Select all
<b>Warning</b>: Illegal string offset 'sort_order' in <b>system/config/revslider/admin/views/templates/oc_layout.php</b> on line <b>108</b>0
Code: Select all
<?php if($allslide['id'] == $module_data['slider_id']){ ?>
<?php if($layout['layout_id'] == $module_data['layout_id']){ ?>
if($module_data['position'] == $getpos){ ?>
<?php if($module_data['status'] == 0){ ?>
<?php if($module_data['status'] == 1){ ?>
<td class="right"><input type="text" name="revslideropencart_module[<?php echo $module_row; ?>][sort_order]" value="<?php echo $module_data['sort_order'] ?>" size="3" />
Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in:
Code: Select all
$k = preg_replace_callback('/\[[0-9]+/', function($match){return '';}, $k[0]);
If saving empty form - Warning: array_keys() expects parameter 1 to be array, string given in :
Code: Select all
$k = array_keys($data);
Code: Select all
$data = array();
If put [0] in:
Code: Select all
$newdata[$k][0] = $arr;
Code: Select all
case "add_slider_pos_val":
//$data = array();
$newdata = array();
$k = array_keys($data);
$k = preg_replace_callback('/\[[0-9]+/', function($match){return '';}, $k[0]);
if(is_array($data)) foreach($data as $key => $arr){
$newdata[$k][] = $arr;
$data = $newdata;
self::ajaxResponseSuccess(__("Slider Position Save SuccessFully", 'revslider'));