When an option is made "required", you cannot checkout before fulfilling the requirements for that option first.
If checkout is clicked before selecting from the required field of options, that field's text color turns brown-red and the phrase "(option name) required!" appears below that field
I want to change it to red, and / or add a light pink background-color around the text to make it more obvious to the customer what they did wrong
where is this formatting located?
If checkout is clicked before selecting from the required field of options, that field's text color turns brown-red and the phrase "(option name) required!" appears below that field
I want to change it to red, and / or add a light pink background-color around the text to make it more obvious to the customer what they did wrong
where is this formatting located?
Add this to the bottom of your stylesheet.css file and format it however you want, this will only affect product pages
Code: Select all
#product .text-danger {
color: #a94442;
Hi, and how to change the message itself? I need to add ↑ keyboard symbol at the end so that it looks like eg:
"T-Shirt Size required! ↑"
"T-Shirt Size required! ↑"
I am using English OpenCart, Default Template/Theme, php 7.4, Latest Brave Browser (No Ads-Blocker, etc.)
Not best practice but one solution in css
Code: Select all
#product .text-danger:after {
content: " ↑";
You should not modify core files .. if you would like to donate a cup of coffee I will write it in a modification for you.
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