Unable to install Open Cart (for a week now) due to GD extension setting OFF. Open Cart version Hosting php version 8.0. Hosting company (Turbify) indicates that GD is supported https://help.turbify.com/s/article/whic ... fy-support
but don't see GD module in PHP extensions list and not in system installed extensions/modules. Have been trying to get support from Turbify with no luck.
Any suggestions?
Use phpinfo() and look for a GD section. You will probably have to wait for your host to fix it.
Like Add Creative mentioned, check the actual PHP settings applied to your server and contact the hosting company. Attached is a phpinfo.php file. Upload it to your public_html or www directory and in your browser, go to your-domain.com/phpinfo.php and then search for that extension. This page will tell you if it's active or not. Make sure you remove that file immediately after from your server as it is a security risk.
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