Unless the server cache believes your storage folder is still temporarily on its old location, it shouldn't. At this point, another reason why you should let your host looking at this.msklut wrote: ↑Thu Apr 28, 2022 9:21 amThe /storage/cache folder has already generated new folders. It's something else... When I moved the /storage folder, is there anything that is possibly looking at the old directory for log files?straightlight wrote: ↑Thu Apr 28, 2022 9:17 amUnless your server path is otherwise than what it says it is on the topic, the storage folder location should be as it says.msklut wrote: ↑Thu Apr 28, 2022 9:13 amDo you see anything wrong with the config file? /storage/ path is set correctly. Some people online have suggested using this format, but it did not help.
Code: Select all
define('DIR_STORAGE', DIR_SYSTEM . '/storage/');
Dedication and passion goes to those who are able to push and merge a project.
Programmer / Opencart Tester
Web host is useless. They're not able to provide any new information. Crazy how many threads there are with the exact issue, but none of the solutions provided work.Unless the server cache believes your storage folder is still temporarily on its old location, it shouldn't. At this point, another reason why you should let your host looking at this.
That's simply because what these exact or similar issues are about are outside the scope of Opencart.msklut wrote: ↑Thu Apr 28, 2022 10:03 amWeb host is useless. They're not able to provide any new information. Crazy how many threads there are with the exact issue, but none of the solutions provided work.Unless the server cache believes your storage folder is still temporarily on its old location, it shouldn't. At this point, another reason why you should let your host looking at this.
Dedication and passion goes to those who are able to push and merge a project.
Programmer / Opencart Tester
After lots of research, the issue was related to the File Protect feature in cPanel. See documentation below for more details. I hope this helps someone else!
https://support.cpanel.net/hc/en-us/art ... g-reverted
https://support.cpanel.net/hc/en-us/art ... g-reverted
If File Protect is enabled:
All sites' document root directories will be set with GroupID nobody and 0750 permissions.
If File Protect is disabled:
All sites' document root directories will be set to 0755 permissions.
Here is how to make a "recursive PHP script" to change permission for all the folders to 0755 and files to 0644 at once.
Create a new PHP file (e.g., set_permissions.php).
Add the following code in it.
Upload this script (e.g., set_permissions.php) to the directory where you want to apply the permissions.
Visit the script in your browser (e.g., http://yourdomain.com/yourfolder/set_permissions.php).
The script will recursively apply 0755 permissions to directories and 0644 to files from the current location.
After successful execution, you can delete the script.
Create a new PHP file (e.g., set_permissions.php).
Add the following code in it.
Upload this script (e.g., set_permissions.php) to the directory where you want to apply the permissions.
Visit the script in your browser (e.g., http://yourdomain.com/yourfolder/set_permissions.php).
The script will recursively apply 0755 permissions to directories and 0644 to files from the current location.
After successful execution, you can delete the script.
Code: Select all
// Get the current directory (where the script is located)
$rootPath = __DIR__;
// Function to recursively set permissions
function setPermissions($dir) {
// Open the directory
$files = scandir($dir);
foreach ($files as $file) {
if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') {
$filePath = $dir . '/' . $file;
if (is_dir($filePath)) {
// Set directory permissions to 0755
chmod($filePath, 0755);
// Recursively call the function for subdirectories
} else {
// Set file permissions to 0644
chmod($filePath, 0644);
// Call the function on the directory where this script is located
echo "Permissions have been set successfully.";
I am using English OpenCart, Default Template/Theme, php 7.4, Latest Brave Browser (No Ads-Blocker, etc.)
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