Crawler/bot accessible
Duplicate Product URLs
Make sure the page is the only URL on which the content appears. There are lots of duplicated product urls from category, manufacturer or sitemap pages, even though opencart already using canonical to solve this problem, yet this is not friendly for getting all of your facebook likes or search engine performance.
Duplicate Category or Manufacturer URLs:
Duplicate Category or Manufacturer URLs often occurs when sites make the same content available via different URLs—for example, by using session IDs or other parameters, like this: ... C&limit=75 ... C&limit=50
URL Canonical is a good idea, however, a lot of people use the rel=canonical tag for paginated results on their site, this is wrong and should not be done. If you want to canonical category pagination url, remember that add pagination parameter to the canonical tag. I recommend using the Google/Bing Webmaster parameter handling tool to give search engine information about how to handle URLs containing specific parameters. You can also change the robots.txt:
Code: Select all
User-agent: *
Disallow: /*&limit
Disallow: /*?limit
Disallow: /*?sort
Disallow: /*&sort
Disallow: /*?order
Disallow: /*&order
Disallow: /*?price
Disallow: /*&price
Disallow: /*?brand_tabletpc
Disallow: /*&brand_tabletpc
Disallow: /*?color_default
Disallow: /*&color_default
Disallow: /*?filter_tag
Disallow: /*&filter_tag
Disallow: /*?mode
Disallow: /*&mode
Disallow: /*?cat
Disallow: /*&cat
Disallow: /*?dir
Disallow: /*&dir
Disallow: /*?color
Disallow: /*&color
Disallow: /*?product_id
Disallow: /*&product_id
Disallow: /*?minprice
Disallow: /*&minprice
Disallow: /*?maxprice
Disallow: /*&maxprice
Disallow: /*?route=checkout/
Disallow: /*?route=account/
Disallow: /*?route=product/search
Disallow: /*?page=1
Disallow: /*&create=1
Disallow: /?route=information/contact
Disallow: /*?route=affiliate/
Disallow: /*?keyword
Disallow: /*?av
Disallow: /admin/
Disallow: /system/
Disallow: /catalog/
Best Practice for Category and Product Page Content
Add the rel="canonical" tag to duplicate category pages & category pagination
Opencart allows various sort orders for category page (by lowest price, highest rated, new arrival…). Specify the canonical version using a tag in the head section of the page. For example:
1> Category page sort by price & limit: ... SC&limit=5
rel="canonical" tag: <link href="" rel="canonical" />
2> Category pagination sort by price & limit: ... t=5&page=2
rel="canonical" tag: <link href="" rel="canonical" />
Add Rel=Prev/Next tag to category pagination and brand paginatioin
The most current technique for SEO pagination makes use of the HTML 4/5 link element pagination rel=”next” and rel=”prev” tag. Keep in mind that all rel=next/prev pages should also have a self-referencing rel=canonical tag. In cases where tracking IDs and various sort orders are appended to a URL, these rel canonical tags will ensure no duplication and equity leak occurs. For example:
On the second category page, ... t=5&page=2
<link rel="canonical" href="" />
<link rel="prev" href=" ... t=5&page=1" />
<link rel="next" href=" ... t=5&page=3" />
Add Custom Meta Title, H1 Tag, and Extra Description Tag
One of the most important steps in improving your site's ranking in Google search results is to ensure that it contains plenty of rich information that includes relevant keywords, unique title, unique h1 tag and fresh content. OpenCart currently use product/category name as meta title tag which is not seo friendly.
Use unique introductory text and generate appropriate cross links and you’ll improve your site’s overall structure, internal anchor text distribution and linked-to internal page counts tremendously
Display review data on product page html source code
OpenCart currently uses AJAX to load the content of the Reviews which cannot be indexed by search engines.
Aggregate recent reviews up to the category level
We know that User Generated Content can influence conversion on your site, but UGC also adds important SEO benefit to your pages.
Metadata, Schema and Rich Snippets
For site blog, Google offers the rel=author, rel=publisher and Google+ Profile options to display a profile/brand image and details alongside results. Google also provides a vast array of options for rich snippets, such as rich snippets for product offer, product review, breadcrumbs, vote and etc. Here is the tool for testing those rich nippets.
Page Speed Performance
Speeding up websites is important — not just to site owners, but to all Internet users. Google now uses site speed in web search ranking. Below is two simple ways to boost your site speed:
The product count in the categories is a significant source of slow page loads in opencart. You can removes queries from header controller and category module controller.
3 Simple .Htaccess Rules For Better Website Performace:Disable Etags, Add Expires Headers, Compress Text Files (CSS, Javascript)
Use the Google AJAX Libraries content delivery network to serve jQuery to your users directly from Google’s network of datacenters: decreased latency, increased parallelism, and better caching.
Here is my ALL in One SEO Pack Extension: ... n_id=13208
Identify the Reasons for Search Engine Penalties
Google Panda:
1> thin content:low quality, not useful for users, copy content
2> content farm: lots of irrelative contents
3> high bounce rate, less average time on site
How to check: content template, keywords stuffing, multi-type (images, infographic, video)
Google Penguin:
#1: Too many exact anchor text links
#2: Not enough semantic keyword anchor text links
#3: You don’t have enough junk anchors
#4: Not enough brand mention within text links
#5: Not enough social signals
#6: Buying links
#7: Exchanging links on a mass scale
#8: Links from low quality article directories and directory listings
#9: Keyword stuffing in internal/outbound links
Other Link Building Resources:
The Advanced Guide to Link Building: ... -building/
The Advanced Guide to Content Marketing: ... marketing/
The 100 Best Free SEO Tools: