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Customer Email on order update

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 10:33 pm
by apmuskel
Feels like this question should have been asked before but cant find an answer when searching..

Where do I edit the email text that is sent out when updateing an order.
For ex. if I change the order status to "shipped" in history and check the box for notify customer they get an email with the text:
Ordernummer: 1
Datum: 13/09/2015

Din order har uppdaterats med följande status:


Kommentaren till din order är:

Testar meddelande

Please reply to this email if you have any questions.
As you can see I am not using english as language but the text "shipped" and "please reply..." is in english
Where do I change this?

Re: Customer Email on order update

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 1:55 pm
by deepvision
Must be in the language file

And order statuses can be edited under
System -> Localisation -> Order statuses

Re: Customer Email on order update

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 3:26 pm
by apmuskel
I have checked the mail/order.php file and the translation is correct in that file ???
Thing is the text "Please reply to this email if you have any questions." is in swedish in the order email but in english in the order status update email.. cant seem to find the reson or how the text in the order status mail is pulled and from where.. the order recipt email is fine.

Thx for the help regarding System -> Localisation -> Order statuses thou.. that solved half the problem :)

Re: Customer Email on order update

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 4:08 pm
by deepvision
Maybe it is taken from the
сatalog/language/english/mail/order.php or from another language?

Re: Customer Email on order update

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2015 7:57 pm
by straightlight
Each language packs other than the English are contributed modules. If you're also using an extension that uses different languages and you're not sure where the actual language definition file is located to track these lines, you can either search for these lines with a search tool or to contact the author of the contribution.

Re: Customer Email on order update

Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 1:03 am
by olynnow11

Everybody says that the text for the "order update email" is taken from the language file, and is true.

However, what nobody seems to understand and maybe to explain to those of us that are not so good with opencart is where we can find the file that is pulling the text from the language file. To be more specific: there should be a script somewhere that says : put order ID here, put that statement there...I don't think it's that hard to understand. So, please advise, where can we find this file.
