Post by thoughtfulthumb » Wed Nov 12, 2014 8:22 pm

Hi, I'm looking to brand up my emails that will be sent using an external client.

Has anyone created html email templates that include all styling to match the shop? So maybe include the logo, search bar, not the cart, top category menu and footer info with the central section to be solely email content, whether that be promotional or simply customer support replies.

I'll be starting to create my own, but wandering if anyone had already done something. Preferably without the use of external css as I believe some clients reject css? Correct me if I'm wrong! ;D

Visit and I would be happy to receive any thoughts or problems you pick up on! I am a new business, have had successfull previous companies and New to developing a software based website. Thank you.

New member


Mon Oct 20, 2014 3:54 am
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