Post by waylander1398 » Thu Dec 03, 2020 4:54 pm

با سلام
طی مشکلات اخیر که در کش مرورگرهای جدید رخ داده بود تغییراتی مطابق توضیحات این صفحه
را در فایل های
framwork , session
انجام دادیم تا مشکل درگاه های پرداخت حل شود.

اما بتازگی امکان ورود به ادمین را نداشتیم و صقحه ادمین ریدایرکت میشد.
برای حل این مشکل مجددا خط کد کوکی فایل
را به کد زیر تغییر دادیم

setcookie($config->get('session_name'), $session->getId(), time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 30, ini_get('session.cookie_path'), ini_get('session.cookie_domain'));

با انجام این کار مشکل ورود به ادمین حل شد اما هر 60 ثانیه یکبار ادمین بصورت خودکار لاگ آوت میشود!

راهکار حل این مشکل چیست؟ و آیا تغییر داده شده مشکل درگاه ها را مجددا ایجاد نمیکند؟

New member


Tue Mar 12, 2019 5:12 am

Post by waylander1398 » Thu Dec 03, 2020 8:41 pm

با گزارش مشتریان متوجه شدیم که حتی در خود سایت هم دیگه مشتریان امکان لاگین رو ندارند و بعد از ورد هیچ اتفاقی نمیوفته اما در ادمین ورودشون ثبت میشه!
با تغییر نسخه Php هم مشکل حل نشد

تنظیمات فایل php.ini
; cPanel-generated php ini directives, do not edit
; Manual editing of this file may result in unexpected behavior.
; To make changes to this file, use the cPanel MultiPHP INI Editor (Home >> Software >> MultiPHP INI Editor)
; For more information, read our documentation (

magic_quotes_gpc = Off;
register_globals = Off;
default_charset = UTF-8;
memory_limit = 512M;
max_execution_time = 36000;
upload_max_filesize = 999M;
safe_mode = Off;
mysql.connect_timeout = 20;
session.auto_start = Off;
session.use_only_cookies = On;
session.use_cookies = On;
session.use_trans_sid = Off;
session.cookie_httponly = On;
session.gc_maxlifetime = 3600;
allow_url_fopen = on;
session.cookie_lifetime = 360000
session.save_path = \tmp
;display_errors = 1;
;error_reporting = E_ALL;

New member


Tue Mar 12, 2019 5:12 am

Post by waylander1398 » Thu Dec 03, 2020 11:34 pm

بعد از ساعت ها بررسی و کلنجار رفتن متوجه شدم که ایراد از فایل
هستش اما هنوز نتونستم بفهمم کجای کدهای اون ایراد داره، ممنون میشم در عیب یابی اون کمک کنید محتویان این فایل رو همین جا کپی میذارم

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.(.+) [NC]
RewriteRule ^ https://%1%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]

RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L]

# 1.To use URL Alias you need to be running apache with mod_rewrite enabled.

# 2. In your opencart directory rename htaccess.txt to .htaccess.

# For any support issues please visit:

Options +FollowSymlinks

# Prevent Directoy listing
Options -Indexes

# Prevent Direct Access to files
<FilesMatch "(?i)((\.tpl|.twig|\.ini|\.log|(?<!robots)\.txt))">
Require all denied
## For apache 2.2 and older, replace "Require all denied" with these two lines :
# Order deny,allow
# Deny from all

# SEO URL Settings
RewriteEngine On
# If your opencart installation does not run on the main web folder make sure you folder it does run in ie. / becomes /shop/

RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^sitemap.xml$ index.php?route=extension/feed/google_sitemap [L]
RewriteRule ^googlebase.xml$ index.php?route=extension/feed/google_base [L]
RewriteRule ^system/storage/(.*) index.php?route=error/not_found [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !.*\.(ico|gif|jpg|jpeg|png|js|css)
RewriteRule ^([^?]*) index.php?_route_=$1 [L,QSA]

### Additional Settings that may need to be enabled for some servers
### Uncomment the commands by removing the # sign in front of it.
### If you get an "Internal Server Error 500" after enabling any of the following settings, restore the # as this means your host doesn't allow that.

# 1. If your cart only allows you to add one item at a time, it is possible register_globals is on. This may work to disable it:
# php_flag register_globals off

# 2. If your cart has magic quotes enabled, This may work to disable it:
# php_flag magic_quotes_gpc Off

# 3. Set max upload file size. Most hosts will limit this and not allow it to be overridden but you can try
# php_value upload_max_filesize 999M

# 4. set max post size. uncomment this line if you have a lot of product options or are getting errors where forms are not saving all fields
# php_value post_max_size 999M

# 5. set max time script can take. uncomment this line if you have a lot of product options or are getting errors where forms are not saving all fields
# php_value max_execution_time 200

# 6. set max time for input to be recieved. Uncomment this line if you have a lot of product options or are getting errors where forms are not saving all fields
# php_value max_input_time 200

# 7. disable open_basedir limitations
# php_admin_value open_basedir none

# php -- BEGIN cPanel-generated handler, do not edit
# Set the “ea-php73” package as the default “PHP” programming language.
<IfModule mime_module>
AddHandler application/x-httpd-ea-php73 .php .php7 .phtml
# php -- END cPanel-generated handler, do not edit

# BEGIN cPanel-generated php ini directives, do not edit
# Manual editing of this file may result in unexpected behavior.
# To make changes to this file, use the cPanel MultiPHP INI Editor (Home >> Software >> MultiPHP INI Editor)
# For more information, read our documentation (
<IfModule php7_module>
php_value default_charset "UTF-8;"
php_value memory_limit 512M
php_value max_execution_time 36000
php_value upload_max_filesize 999M
php_value mysql.connect_timeout 20
php_flag session.auto_start Off
php_flag session.use_only_cookies On
php_flag session.use_cookies On
php_flag session.use_trans_sid Off
php_value session.cookie_httponly "On;"
php_value session.gc_maxlifetime 3600
php_value session.cookie_lifetime 360000
php_value session.save_path "/tmp"
<IfModule lsapi_module>
php_value default_charset "UTF-8;"
php_value memory_limit 512M
php_value max_execution_time 36000
php_value upload_max_filesize 999M
php_value mysql.connect_timeout 20
php_flag session.auto_start Off
php_flag session.use_only_cookies On
php_flag session.use_cookies On
php_flag session.use_trans_sid Off
php_value session.cookie_httponly "On;"
php_value session.gc_maxlifetime 3600
php_value session.cookie_lifetime 360000
php_value session.save_path "/tmp"
# END cPanel-generated php ini directives, do not edit

New member


Tue Mar 12, 2019 5:12 am
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