catalog list pages (categories, products, profiles, reviews, downloads, options, attributes, attribute groups, informations and manufacturers) and sales list pages (orders, customers, coupons), allows you to sort the column order and makes it SUPER EASY & FAST to edit the values in place without leaving the list view and opening the conventional item edit page.
To quick edit a value just click on the value you want to change and it gets saved when you hit Enter. Clicking outside the edit box or pressing Esc will cancel the edit.
- choose, which columns are displayed
- choose, which columns can be quick edited in place
- custom sort the column order
- multilanguage name edits with option to switch to single language editing
- search anywhere (OC 1.4.9 like filtering that matches filter string anywhere in the phrase)
- alternating row colours and hover highlighting for easier reading (pure CSS3, so you need to use a newer browser)
- links to the store front for quick viewing categories, informations, manufacturers and products (has multistore support)
- interval filtering for numeric filters (to search price between 100 and 300 type "100<300"; to search quantity below 10 (included) type "<=10"; to search amount greater than 12.3 type "12.3<")
- shows warning if SEO keyword already in use
- Status highlighting
- Apply button for saving AQE settings without leaving the page
- Option to choose between single and double click quick editing
- Catalog
- Categories: Display/Hide columns - id, image, parent category, category name, columns, top, seo keyword, filters, stores, sort order and status. Quick edit all but id.
- Products: Display/Hide columns - id, image, product name, model, manufacturer, category, price, quantity, sort order, weight, sku, upc, ean, jan, isbn, mpn, location, seo keyword, status, tax class, minimum quantity, subtract stock, out of stock status, requires shipping, date available, date modified, length, width, height, length class, weight class, attributes, options, profiles, specials, discounts, additional images, related products, stores, filters, downloads, descriptions, viewed and points. Quick edit all but id and date modified.
- Recurring Profiles: Display/Hide columns - id, name, sort order, status, price, frequency, duration, cycle, trial status, trial price, trial frequency, trial duration and trial cycle. Quick edit all but id.
- Filters: Display/Hide columns - id, group name, filters and sort order. Quick edit all but id.
- Attributes: Display/Hide columns - id, name, group and sort order. Quick edit all but id.
- Attribute Groups: Display/Hide columns - id, name and sort order. Quick edit all but id.
- Options: Display/Hide columns - id, name, type, option values and sort order. Quick edit all but id.
- Manufacturers: Display/Hide columns - id, image, name, seo keyword, stores and sort order. Quick edit all but id.
- Downloads: Display/Hide columns - id, name, filename, mask and date added. Quick edit all but id, date added and filename.
- Reviews: Display/Hide columns - id, product, author, text, rating, status, date added and date modified. Quick edit all but id and date modified.
- Informations: Display/Hide columns - id, title, sort order, bottom, stores, status and seo keyword. Quick edit all but id.
- Customers
- Customers: Display/Hide columns - name, email, telephone, fax, newsletter subscription, customer group, approved, ip address, date added and status. Quick edit all but date added and ip address.
- Sales
- Orders: Edit columns - status with option to notify customer.
- Returns: Display/Hide columns - return id, order id, customer id, customer name, email, telephone, product id, product name, model, quantity, opened, comment, return reason, return action, return status, date ordered, date added, date modified. Quick edit all but return id, date added and date modified.
- Gift Vouchers: Display/Hide columns - code, from name, from email, to name, to email, amount, theme, message, status and date added. Quick edit all but date added.
- Voucher Themes: Display/Hide/Edit columns - image and name.
- Marketing
- Marketing: Display/Hide columns - id, name, description, code, clicks, orders, date added. Quick edit all but id, clicks, orders and date added.
- Affiliates: Display/Hide columns - name, email, telephone, fax, comapny, address 1, address 2, city, postcode, country, region/state, tracking code, commission, tax id, balance, approved, ip address, date added and status. Quick edit all but balance, date added and ip address.
- Coupons: Display/Hide/Edit columns - name, code, type, total amount, customer login, free shipping, discount, date start, date end, uses per coupon, uses per customer and status.
Admin Quick Edit PRO can be bought from ... on_id=3805
The latest version is 5.6.0 and it is compatible with OpenCart 2.1.x+.
Available as a OCMOD for OpenCart 2.x and as vQmod for OpenCart 1.5.x.
A screencast demonstrating some of the features:
A screencast demonstrating version 3.0 new features:
Live DEMO:
Some screenshots: