... Dimensions
So I did some playing with regex on the output code and it seems to be working.
This code will automatically generate the image size tags and insert them into every img tag in your page to comply with the Google Page Speed image tips automatically.
Not sure of the overall performance hit but it works. YMMV:
1. EDIT: system/library/response.php
2. FIND:
Code: Select all
if ($this->level) {
Code: Select all
//Q: Add width/height tags to all images for Google Page Speed tip:
preg_match_all('/<img[^>]+>/i', $this->output, $result);
$img = array();
foreach($result[0] as $img_tag) {
preg_match_all('/(width|height|src)=("[^"]*")/i',$img_tag, $img[$img_tag]);
foreach ($img as $k => $info) {
if (count($info) == 3 && $info[1][0] == 'src') {
//if (curl_init(str_replace('"', '', $info[2][0]))) {
$imgfile = str_replace('"', '', $info[2][0]);
$imgfile = str_replace(HTTP_SERVER, DIR_IMAGE . '../', $imgfile);
$imgfile = str_replace(HTTPS_SERVER, DIR_IMAGE . '../', $imgfile);
if (file_exists($imgfile)) {
$image_info = getImageSize(str_replace('"', '', $imgfile));
$k = trim($k, '/>');
$k = trim($k, '>');
$this->output = str_replace($k, ($k . ' ' . $image_info[3]), $this->output);